- Hendels axiale plunjerpomp: 5Nm
- Gas: 12Nm
- Veiligheidsnok: 1Nm
Vandaag hebben we het definitieve programma geschreven voor de RedBoard waarmee we de ontvangen signalen van de zender omzetten naar de signalen voor het sturen van de servo's. In dit programma controleren we bv. de verbinding tussen de zender en het RedBoard. Indien dit signaal wegvalt of wijzigt moet de tank onmiddellijk stoppen.
Jonas en Emiel
Last Thursday we went to Poelkapelle to measure how many power is needed to operate the levers of the tank by means of servos. In order to measure we used a tension spring which indicates how many power was needed. We also measured the arm which is the distance between the shaft and the power. By doing so we were capable to determine the moment. We came to the next moments:
- Levers axial plunger pump: 5Nm
- Gas: 12Nm
- Safety ridge: 3Nm
Last Friday we also wrote the final program for the RedBoard with which we will transform the signals we received from the transmitter in the signals thad need to be sent to the servos. In this program we control, for instance, the connection between the transmitter and the RedBoard. If this signal happens to fall away or changes the tank has to come to a halt.
Jonas and Emiel
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